Gruppo Italiano Salute e Genere
The Italian Group on Sex and Gender (GISeG) is a Scientific Society of Gender Medicine accredited by the Ministry of Health. GISeG was founded in Bari on 18 June 2009 with the aim of promoting the culture of Health and Gender Medicine, according to the actions proposed by the Plan for the application and diffusion of Gender Medicine provided by the article 3 of Italian Law 3/2018.
Primary aims of the Society are to promote prevention and assistance programs, research, training, communication and information shared with institutions, universities, hospital and local structures, general practitioners, dentists, professional colleges, non-medical health specialties and Patient associations.
The final objective is to guarantee the best care for each person with a view to patient centrality and personalization of therapies.
Gender Medicine, in fact, represents a transversal dimension of medical knowledge based on complex interconnected criteria of scientific evaluation, fundamental for evaluating the influence of biological and socio-economic and cultural health determinants on human pathophysiological and clinical symptoms in turn ensuring equity and appropriateness of care.
GISeG, with its members, as part of the Italian Network of gender specific medicine, collaborates in frontal and distance learning activities, participates in institutional commissions and working groups (National Observatory for Gender Medicine) and professional commissions (FNOMCeO), organizes scientific conferences, promotes information, communication and dissemination activities in this area. In addition, GISeG actively contributes to the Journal of Sex and Gender Specific Medicine and to an informative newsletter on ongoing initiatives in the field of gender medicine.
Executive Council
Dr. Anna Maria Moretti-President of GISeG
Past Director of Respiratory Diseases Department University-Hospital Bari
Dr. Gabriella De Silvio - Vice President of GISeG
Past - Head of gynaecologic and obstetric center-ASL Salerno Italy
Dr. Franco Lavalle - Treasurer-Secretary GISeG
FNOMCEO delegate in the observatory of the ministry of health for gender medicine
Dr. Walter Malorni
Scientific Director of Global Health Center, Catholic University-Roma
Prof. Vincenzo Fogliani
Senior Full Professor University of Messina
Dr. Mary Lonigro
Intermeeting-Sud National Secretariat GISeG